Health & Wellness

Hayley Clary: When I'm in a delivery and I hear the baby take its first breath, it's the most amazing thing in the world.

Pat Pinkard: And just to see those little tiny feet, to have the baby swaddled and given to mom and see the joy in her eyes when you hand her her new baby. There's nothing like it, nothing like it at all.

Hayley Clary: I've been at Newberry Hospital for almost 13 years, I've been the clinical coordinator for the last three. I came from a bigger hospital and I wasn't really happy with it. I was questioning my career as a nurse and I knew some people that worked at Newberry. I got an interview, got the job, and have been here ever since.

Pat Pinkard: Well, I've been here for 25 years, just coming in and being part of the beginning of somebody's family. It's just, it's spectacular. I've been doing babies only since 1989 and it's just, I got goose bumps just even thinking about it.

Joni Chapman: I've worked for Newberry Hospital for 20 years. I went part-time here and went full-time to another labor and delivery floor at a bigger hospital. It lasted for three months before I realized I missed my small-town hospital, I missed the small-town atmosphere. We get to know our patients, we get to know their family members, we can feel a more personal level with our patients.

April Redd: I've been here for over 17 years.This is a small community hospital. We take care of our patients like our own family.

Lisa Willams: I've been a nursery nurse here at Newberry Hospital for going on 25 years. We have a lot of first-time moms who come here and they're really comfortable when they get here because they've seen the same doctor throughout their pregnancy.

Pat Pinkard: We do have moms and it's usually the first-time moms or somebody that's new to Newberry that would like to come in for a tour prior to delivery. We're more than happy to do a tour for them, you know, it makes them much more comfortable and we can answer the questions that they have prior to coming in.

Hayley Clary: The doctor that you see, one of them or maybe two other will be the ones to deliver you and every time you come to Newberry Hospital for a visit, you're gonna have the same nurses taking care of you from start to finish, from the time you're pregnant till you take your baby home.

Lisa Willams: Here at Newberry Hospital, we have some awesome doctors. We have our OBGYN doctor that is always willing to teach.

Hayley Clary: The other six are family practice doctors. They will also take care of your baby after it's born.

Pat Pinkard: Our family practice doctors that deliver here have done numerous, you know, sometimes thousands of delivery. They've been delivering for, you know, 25, 35 years. I love working with them. They're just, they're spectacular.

Lisa Willams: If you have a question with any of our doctors here at the hospital, they're always willing to stop what they're doing, give you an answer to your question.

Joni Chapman: We all get to know our doctors very well being a small community, being a small hospital. We feel comfortable calling our physicians at any time relating to the patients.

Hannah Ferry: We see eye to eye on a lot of things and they just feel like colleagues. I think everyone works really, really well together, the nurses and the doctors, and I think that's different than at a bigger hospital because you don't really get to know the doctors and the nurses so well. You're always working with someone different.

Hayley Clary: Everyone that I work with is a part of my family. We trust each other. We don't even have to speak. We just jump in and do what's necessary.

Pat Pinkard: My best friends are here. Yeah, it's fantastic. Nothing like it.

Joni Chapman: I have no intentions to leave and plan to retire from here one day.

Hayley Clary: I get to witness the miracle every day when I come to work.

Newberry Hospital Employee: You get a special feeling out of helping someone bring a new life into the world.